Thursday, April 9, 2009

route 104 and on

Now that the kid is gone I'm free to continue. Little punk was probably some student of my father, I'll make sure to put him on my list. So the usual more weak trainers as usual but their is a beach here. I even got to see the fabled weakling of the pokemon world first hand, the legendary Magickarp.

Seems his trainer though the magickarp was legendary in some other way. I leave him to cry over his pathetic fish.

Oh joy dark woods. Just what I want to encounter. Seems to not bother the local population who still have more trainers in this area then houses. Where do all these people live? Anyways I thought it would be ironic to defeat a pathetic bug trainer with sringy vs his couple WURPLES and then something strange happened!

Sringy spun a cocoon around himself and evolved! I'm so happy sringy is becoming more powerful! He can somehow still tackle and use poision needle from inside it. Not quite sure how that works. Contineing on I find something .... strange.

I don't know what this thing is but I guess I'll catch it. I'll call him Lazy but I don't think he'll respond at all to me calling him ANYTHING anyway. At least he won't eat much.

What is it with these strange random people? I don't think it's a good sign that they talk when they don't think anyone else is around. Oh crap he noticed me. Well he's flaky but he's only looking for his pokemon. I really don't want to get involved when another strange person shows up...

I have no idea what's going on but this new guy seems to be from team aqua wants to steal this guys pokemon. Like any coward in this situation he random talking guy decides to hid behind a girl. If it wasn't me I'd berate him for being such a coward but at least he knows a strong trainer when he sees one. Sadly this aqua guy was the hardest trainer I've fought so far but I still walked over him. With this defeat blaze finally learned ember now he can do some serious damage.

At least the strange guy knew gratitude and gave me some great balls. More fighting leaf learned adsorb so he may actual be able to fight these wild pokemon now, his astonish was doing nothing. Finally I've exited this forest.

And right outside I find someone... special. He gave me a TM to teach my pokemon how to do this. I don't know what to say so I just take it and raid the tree things behind him.

A little bit to the north is a flower shop they give me a watering can and tell me the virtues of berries. I could care less but free stuff, can't say no to that.

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